Friday, October 17, 2014

Starting points for further work

I've started an online class with Jane Davies on themes and doing things in series. These two collages will be my starting point as I work on the mountains of quick prints that are gathering on my studio floor. I became obsessed with leaf printing this summer and really want to use all that gorgeous material.

I also want to work more loosely which is what I like about these pieces. I just kind of threw them together. I love working that way but often forget how to do that so this is a return to a free working style.

Time for surprises!!

Sea life and more work of the spring

For the past several years I've been finding images of the sea very compelling. Moving from purely abstract work, I began to include images of whales, fish, shells and sea plants. There was still loads of room for abstraction and I am finding the mixture mysterious, unpredictable and loads of fun. Continuing to work with Gelli plates I also added various drawing media to these collages. This was done with Gelli plate prints, collage and various drawing media. As with each of my different projects of this year I look forward to taking these further. This is what happened so far.

"The Dive"
collage and mixed media

"Sea Frolic"

"The Golden Seas"

"Fabric of the Sea"
mono print with dimensional paint

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Leaf printing obsessions

All of these pieces come from the inspiration I found this spring working with leaf prints using the Gelli plate. I fell in love with the various forms of plant life I'd find on my walks. Carrying around a plastic bag and scissors, I'd gather "specimens" everywhere I went; in the city, the suburbs and the woods. These would then go into my fridge for safe keeping until I could pull them out and play with them!!

I found there was something about using the forms of plants that brought about a feeling of open spaces and architecture. I was inspired to build. So I used the prints as building blocks for collage, just as kids love to builld their own castles and forts. I loved combining familiar elements in not so obvious, almost mysterious ways, bringing a new appreciation for the forms. 

Using both the fast drying, cheap craft paints and then the luscious Golden Open acrylics with their slow drying, fluid and rich colors kept me quite happy. I'd make mountains of simple prints. Each pull always brought surprises and I was hooked. I'd make these in my bits of time during the week and then on the weekends I'd begin to put these together, either as more complex collages or as prints that could stand on their own.

This first set of four is all collage. They came from using the prints as building blocks - cutting them up, not knowing what I'd be doing with them but feeling inspired by particular parts, wanting to combine them with parts from other prints. I played around a lot, moving them this way and that. Lots of fun!

Then I pulled some prints that started to feel they could stand on their own. See them below. They were less about building blocks and more about a mysterious something emerging.

"The Wood is Nourished"
collage on Bristol paper

"Moon Rising"
collage on Bristol paper

"The Path is Laid"
collage on Bristol paper

"Towards the Eve"
collage on Bristol paper

These next pieces are a leap into direct printing of the leaf forms. They are starts in a way. I'm eager to continue.

"The Pairing"
collage on Bristol paper

"Coming Through"
collage on Bristol paper

"Still Form"
collage on Bristol paper

Sunday, October 5, 2014

More fun with mono printing!

I love teaching these classes with loads going on for all! This class was small and kinda quiet, though when we turned on Pink Martini you would have seen us all dancing while the paint flowed! Here are some action shots followed by a few examples of the work. Leaf prints captured most of us with the shapes and details. Both the Gelli plate and the homemade gelatin plate are good forms to work with impressions of leaves.

Christie and Nina playing.
Alexandra running  in the background.

Alexandra caught in the moment

Anne Marie's prints with leaf. Anne Marie is Christie's mom

Anne Marie - she loved working with leaves

More leaf prints from Anne Maria

Christie puts up her work

Leaf prints and more by Christie

Ellen's leaf prints

Many prints by Ellen

Nina's work. Working on newspaper and the grid.