Tuesday, November 11, 2014

more monoprinting possibilities with November's Gelli plate class

November's mono printing class at Alexandra Sheldon's studio was some serious fun! Alexandra's studio was full as we had a non-stop afternoon of gelatin/Gelli plate exploration. There were twelve of us and that made for loads of prints going up everywhere we could find an empty wall.

I was really impressed by the range of work and the depth of what was produced. The theme was letting loose and going with a no mind freshness of working. Playful exploration was evident everywhere, for newbees and more seasoned pros alike.

Here are some pics of the day.

Barbara C's early work

Ellen's shape explorations.

More of Ellen's work alongside Barbara F's work.

Kat's work next to her mom's on the left.

Joan's work

More of Joan's work

Some early pieces of Emily's

Barbara F's early work

A later favorite of Barbara F's

An early piece of Andria's