Sunday, May 1, 2011

works from the end of April

This top piece is a larger work-18 x 24- that I made this week. I'm really happy with it and feel all kinds of next steps. I've used charcoal, pencils, pastels, acrylic paint and my hands. It's an outgrowth of the quick, smaller, idea sketches you see below. The sketches get the work flowing like playing in a sandbox-no constraints, just kid's play. I'm working with a couple of things: expressive gesture and movement and what's expressed with the different line types and then what emerges as I make layer upon layer of color and texture and gesture. I especially like the expansive swirls that feel so playful and freeing. There's something really important and exciting about this non-verbal language I'm exploring and I love getting my hands messy!

I call this piece "Fertility".

Nothing much was happening with this sketch until as an impulse, I did the two final dark curvy lines. Loved the movement and rhthym they brought. A friend picked up on that and said she wanted to see it big! The painting above was born.

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