Monday, September 24, 2012

September's work

These are the pieces of the last several weeks, still mostly in process. I've started working on larger sizes of bristol paper, 19 x 24. I continue to work freely, allowing the marks or papers I've put down to say something to me. Many times I'm listening to music, lots of classical piano these days and that begins the relationship to the new piece. I keep letting the momentum of the piece build, following it's lead.

I'm also finding out about "mistakes" and what it means to continue to work with them. Some of my most favorite pieces have felt like huge mistakes at some point leaving me feeling a bit stumped but sure there's more interesting things to follow.

"In Concert"
22" x 18"
collage: hand painted papers, paint (acrylic, metallic), pencil, pen, mat medium on bristol paper

collage in process

collage in process

collage in process

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